Sunday 31 May 2009

Mrs Bixby and the colonel´s coat by Roald Dahl

Mr and Mrs Bixby were married and they lived in New York. He was a dentist and she had full of life.
Once a month she travelled by train to Baltimore to visit her aunt, but the aunt was an excuse for her. She had an affair with a wealthy man, who was called the colonel. He lived alone with a few servants.
It was for christmas, Mrs Bixby had met him. After that, she was waiting the train, and suddenly the colonel´s servant gave her a box.
As soon as she was on the train, she oponed the box and saw a beautiful black mink fur coat, with an envelope. She read that they could not longer see each. So she had to think how she could keep the coat….
When she arrived to Pensilvania station, she took a taxi and went to a Pownbroker. She left her coat for fifteen dollars till Monday. The shop assistant gave her a ticket without name or address. Then she got home and told her husband that she found a ticket in the taxi.
The next day her husband went to the Pownbroker. Later he phoned her and told that he had the thing. So she went to his office very excited, but he gave her a little fur neckpiece, not the coat. She felt very angry. When she went out of the office she saw Mrs Pulteney, the secretary of her husband that she was wearing the black mink coat, that the colonel had given to her.
I would recommend this book because it shows us how people think, feel and interact among themselves and how the relationship between a husband and a wife change with the pass of time.


1 comment:

  1. This masterpiece is one of my favourite ones.I read this piece of writing many years ago and I remember that I was very surprised by the unpredictable ending.One never knows when our or other people's lies might be exposed and consequently this actions disappoint others ,specially to whom we love.Sometimes we should be ready to cope with the unexpected.
